Welcome to A Human Space

Established 2021.......

Hello! - I hope you are well.

Firstly I would like to introduce myself - My name is Dan Thompson.

I am offering a Mindfulness Based guided meditation service which I am confident can help you achieve greater levels of calm and relaxation in your life.

I think you would agree that the busyness of life can sometimes exhaust us and leave us feeling drained physically, emotionally or spiritually.

Perhaps you are currently experiencing some stresses, difficulties or challenges? - Perhaps these feel difficult to cope with?

If so, then I am also confident that I can help you become more emotionally resilient and empowered to deal with those too.

I firmly believe that there is a real need in the modern world for a `counter-balancing` force to help bring balance to the pressures and problems people face in their daily lives........And so I created A Human Space as a way to reach out and help others become more empowered and achieve greater levels of calm, happiness & satisfaction from their lives.

I am Proud to be working alongside the many Health & Wellbeing professionals already doing good work helping people live their best lives in societies and communities around the world, and I would love the opportunity to support you in any way you need at this time to bring you the calm and comfort you deserve.

And so……. I'd like to offer this open invitation to everyone, to reach out to me through this website for a FREE “meet & greet” consultation…..

I look forward to speaking to you in the future! 

Until then, thank you……Be kind to & take of yourself. 

Dan Thompson - Mindfulness Health & Wellbeing Coach.



The benefits of meditation